Lummox 9


This is the last print edition for this anthology. I’m getting old and confused and I need to take a break from publishing for a while. Haven’t decided whether or not I’ll come back to it (I do enjoy putting out a good book – it’s just all the other B.S. that goes with each project). In any case, this last issue has over one hundred poets in it; nearly twenty artists featured; an interview with Basia Miller, a poet from Santa Fe, NM who’s had a very interesting life; the winners of the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Contest (Canadian John B. Lee, Americans Elaine Mintzer and Alexis Fancher); rounded out with essays and stories, including an essay on poet Tony Moffiet by John Macker. If you enjoy poetry, Lummox 9 gives you a wide perspective of the state of the art, here in the small press. I believe there’s something for everyone.

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In this Issue:

Dan Abernathy, Austin Alexis, Jeffrey C Alfier, Matt Amott, George Anderson, Mark J. Andrews, Glen Armstrong, RD Armstrong, Tohm Bakelas, Karen Basiulis, Dinah Berland,Jay Bloomer,Ann Bracken, Brenton Booth, Matt Borokowski, Debbi Brody,Lynne Bronstein,B.J. Buckley, April Bulmer,Wayne Burke, Helmut Calabrese,Don K. Campbell,Pris Campbell, Luìs Campos,Alan Catlin,Grace Cavalieri,Todd Cirillo,Wanda Clevenger,Coco, Ed Coletti, Jackie Chou. Jonathon Church,Sharyl Collin,Beverly Collins,Patrick Connors,Henry Crawford,Chris Cressey,Joel Dailey,Edwin Decker,Henry Doyle,Michael Estabrook,Mark Evans,Alexis Fancher, Joseph Farley,Sarah Ferris,Gwendolyn Fleischer,Dennis Formento,Bill Gainer,William Scott Galasso,Martina Gallegos,J.W. Gardner,Tony Gloeggler,Kathleen Goldman,Art Goodtimes,Katherine Gorden,Julian Grant,Richard Grove / Tai,C.Macias Gusman,Tony Gruenewald,Tom G. Hamilton,Vijali Hamilton,Charles Harmon,Clarinda Harriss,Michael Hathaway,George Held,Debbie Okun Hill,Gil Hagen Hill,Lori Wall-Holloway,Rehanul Hoque,Ilhem Issaoui,M.J. Iuppa,Ed Jamieson,Loren Kantor,Carl Kaucher,Frank Kearns,Robert Keeler,Jesse Kennedy,Lalo Kikiriki,Diane Klammer,Doug Knott,Jacqueline Kras,Tom Laichas,Michou Landon,Donna Langevin,Laura Munoz-Larbig,Kyle Laws,Marie Lecrivain,John B. Lee,Wayne Lee,Rick Leddy,Linda Lerner,Jane Lipman,Ellaraine Lockie,Jennifer Lorene,Radomir Luza,Argos MacCallum,John Macker,Mike Mahoney,Adrian Manning,DS Maolalai,Georgia Santa Maria,Richard Martin,Thomas McDade,Mary McGinnis,Steven Meloan,Michael Meloan,Basia Miller,Joseph Milosch,Elaine Mintzer,Michael Mirachi,Bill Mohr,Tony Moffeit,Mike Mollett,Robert A. Morris,Evan Myquest,Linda Neal,Benjamin Newel,Joseph Nicks,Gerald Nicosia,Tom Obrzut,Norman J. Olson,Dean Okamura,Scott Thomas Outlar,Carlo Parcelli,Lorine Parks,Simon Perchik,Jeannine Pitas,Charles Plymell,David Pointer,Bill Ratner,Lauren Reynolds,Kevin Ridgeway,Cindy Rinne,Brian Rihlmann,Christopher Robin,John D. Robinson,Judith Robinson,Jean-Marie Romana,Levi Romero,Dave Roskos,Jen Dunford Roskos, Janet Faller Sassi,Patricia Scruggs,Arianna Sebo,Lisa Segal,Michael Seeger,Sanjeev Sethi,Renee M. Sgroi,Eric Paul Shaffer,Alima Sherman,Nancy Shiffrin,Dan Sicoli,Linda Singer,Judith Skillman,Jared Smith, Joan Jobe Smith,Joan Jobe Smith,Thomas Smith (Splake),Donna J. Snyder,Jeanine Stevens,Ron Stephens,Carl Stilwell,Linda Storm,Kevin Sullivan,Patti Sullivan,Elise Swanson,Lynn Tait,Charles Taylor,G. Murray Thomas,H. Lamar Thomas,Tim Tipton,Bill Tremblay,Maja Trochimczyk,Lauren Tyler,Vachine,Katharine VanDewark,Chris Vannoy,Richard Vargas,Richard Vidan,Scott Wannberg,Ted Washington,Rex Weiner,Lawrence Welsh,Lyn White,Charles Wilkinson,Pamela Williams


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