In 2013, while recuperating from the loss of a toe, I started a poetry contest that ran concurrently to the LUMMOX ANTHOLOGY. In the beginning, the prize was a chapbook (of the winner’s poetry) and a small cash prize, But a couple of years later I was able to increase the prize to $500 (thanks to the estate of Angela Consolo Mankiewicz) + a special feature in the Lummox Anthology and publication in a chapbook of all the winners and honorable mentions.

The next POETRY CONTEST is to be announced. Read the Guidelines


Tip — John B. Lee (2021)

Speak the Language of the Land — Jeffrey Alfier (2018)

Breath of Willow — Mary McGinnis (2017)

Dowsing — Georgia Santa Maria (2016)

When Desert Willows Speak — H. Marie Aragon (2015)

The Century of Dreaming Monsters — John Sweet (2014)