Patricia Scruggs

  • Lummox 9

    This is the last print edition for this anthology. I'm getting old and confused and I need to take a break from publishing for a while. Haven't decided whether or not I'll come back to it (I do enjoy putting out a good book - it's just all the other B.S. that goes with each project). In any case, this last issue has over one hundred poets in it; nearly twenty artists featured; an interview with Basia Miller, a poet from Santa Fe, NM who's had a very interesting life; the winners of the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Contest (Canadian John B. Lee, Americans Elaine Mintzer and Alexis Fancher); rounded out with essays and stories, including an essay on poet Tony Moffiet by John Macker. If you enjoy poetry, Lummox 9 gives you a wide perspective of the state of the art, here in the small press. I believe there's something for everyone. View on Issuu
  • ISBN 978-1-929878-72-7 154 pages; Perfect Bound; 6 X 9 inches
    Poetry Collection
    The quiet confiding voice of radio sees us through our commutes, educates, and amuses us. We feel that we know the hosts on such shows as All Things Considered, RadioLab, This American Life, Prairie Home Companion, Snap Judgment, and that they could be friends, sharing our interests and sensibilities. For its part, Public television becomes a trusted sanctuary from crass commercials, laugh tracks, unfunny comedies rising in volume as they grow more empty in content. We start with shows like Sesame Street, Electric Company, Mr. Rogers, Reading Rainbow and continue on to Frontline, The Nightly News, and the many guilty pleasures of adult Anglophiles, such as Masterpiece Theater and Mystery. It shouldn’t surprise us then to see that so many have responded in kind, speaking back to the speakers, inspired by what they hear and see. What may be more surprising is that no one seems to have had the idea of gathering these works together into an anthology, though they have appeared here and there, in poetry collections and journals. For me, the greatest delight in receiving these pieces has been to recognize the stories I have heard on the radio, with the added dimension of another’s perception added in. This brings home the truth that each of us could start with the same raw material and yet produce finished products that resemble one another only in incidental ways. Our national tragedies and triumphs, the odd idiosyncratic stories of individuals, the stuff of our daily lives and explorations all appear here, care of the diligent reporters of our national media. It is wonderful to realize that in some sense we are all one, listening or watching alone in the dark, but part of a larger tribe. This may be the closest thing we can experience to unanimity and belonging in this fractured land. — Robbi Nester, editor (from the introduction)
    This collection of poems by poets from all over the U.S. and from across the ocean was published by a new sub-division of the Lummox Press, Nine Toes Press, in April (National Poetry Month, btw). Featuring Poets: Martha O. Adams, RD Armstrong, Anne Baber, Sally Ball, Kris Bigalk, Lavina Blossom, Allen Braden, Kirstin Bratt, Julie Bruck, Mary Bullington, Sheryl Clough, Michael Colonnaise, Barbara Crooker, Donna Decker, Barbara Duffey, Blas Falconer, Jennifer Flescher, Rupert Fike, Deborah Gang,Howie Good, Rick Hamwi, Kenneth Hart, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, M.E. Hope, Kate Hutchinson, Luisa Igloria, Tim Kahl, Marie Kane, Deda Kavanagh, Elizabeth Kelikowske, Kathryn Kopple, Judy Kronenfeld, Jane Rosenberg LaForge, Ron Lavalette, Christina Lovin, Amy MacLennen, Joan Mazza, Kelly Nelson,Robbi Nester, Barbra Nightingale, Hal O’Leary, Susan Blackwell Ramsey, Penelope Schott, Brittney Scott, Patricia Scruggs, Martha Silano, M.E. Silverman, Susan Snowden, Nina Soifer, Onna Solomon, Robin Stratton, Lisa Stonestreet, Meryl Stratford, Marly Youmans, Kit Zak. View a sampler of poems on ISSUU.COM  


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