Art Goodtimes

  • Lummox 9

    This is the last print edition for this anthology. I'm getting old and confused and I need to take a break from publishing for a while. Haven't decided whether or not I'll come back to it (I do enjoy putting out a good book - it's just all the other B.S. that goes with each project). In any case, this last issue has over one hundred poets in it; nearly twenty artists featured; an interview with Basia Miller, a poet from Santa Fe, NM who's had a very interesting life; the winners of the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Contest (Canadian John B. Lee, Americans Elaine Mintzer and Alexis Fancher); rounded out with essays and stories, including an essay on poet Tony Moffiet by John Macker. If you enjoy poetry, Lummox 9 gives you a wide perspective of the state of the art, here in the small press. I believe there's something for everyone. View on Issuu
  • ISBN 9781929878710 48 pages; 5.5 X 8.5 inches, Perfect Bound
    Poetry Collection
    In late September, 2013, Mike Adams died, a victim of Cancer. He was too young, only in his early sixties. I'd known him for four years, though he claimed we'd met back in '06 in Las Vegas, NM. I don't remember that, but I do remember hearing him on the Jane Crown Show in '09. I liked what I's not often that you can judge a man by his words alone, and the sound of his voice; these days especially. Mike struck me as being someone i could trust. Sadly, there haven't been too many people in the past twenty years that I could say that about. Unchainable Spirit is a tribute chapbook about Mike, filled with poems by some of his poetic best friends, all of whom are master poets themselves and all paying homage to their fallen friend. Their poems reflect the respect that Mike deserved; they don't stray into emotive, confessional poetry but speak to the heart of the matter including the devastation left in the wake of his passing. Here's who was involved in this project: RD Armstrong, Jared Smith, Phil Woods, Jerry Smaldone, Deborah Kelly, Padma Thornlyre, Judyth Hill, Linn G. Baker, Roseanna Frechette, John Macker, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, Art Goodtimes, Claire Mearns, Stewart Warren, G. Murray Thomas, Lawrence Gladeview, Jim Bernath, James Taylor III and Mike Adams, whose presence in our lives, inspired this. Mike Adams was many things to many people. He was a skilled writer and poet, mountain climber, wonderful husband, Fire-Giggler, environmentalist, practicing Buddhist, teacher and most importantly, he was one helluva friend! This one's for you, Mike...RD Armstrong, Editor & Publisher Preview this chapbook on  


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