Lummox Poetry Anthologies

  • Lummox 8

    2019 This year more than ever, I am indebted to the PATRONS without whom I don’t know where I would be (not that I’m saying that I’d be out on the street but I’d certainly be living on Top Ramen – definitely off my diet). To that end, a big heartfelt thanks to the following: Georgia Cox, Thomas Brod, Kit Courter, Rolland Vasin, Bill Gainer, H. Lamar Thomas, Michael M. Meloan, Tony Moffeit, John Donahoe, Alexis Fancher, Mark Evans and Debbi Brody. And while we’re on the subject, a big “Hell Yeah!” goes out to the intrepid Yazoota who, even though he retired last year after 21 years of service to LUMMOX, decided that he’d continue to work on this anthology; as this project is as much his baby as it is mine!
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    2018 In this issue... First off, I owe a debt of thanks (and a wealth of swag) to the Patrons, without whom it would be very difficult to commit to the 5 months that this project requires! They are   Anonymous, Linda Albertano, Thomas Brod PHD, Georgia Cox, William Craychee, Sue Crisp, John Davis, Liz Jackson, Frank Kearns, Hiram Larew, Lyn Lifshin, Heather Lowe,  Steve & Michael Meloan, and Micheal West. Next, CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the first Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Prize: Jeffrey Alifier - FIRST place, Mike Mahoney - SECOND place and Vachine - THIRD place! They all receive a cash prize, plus some cool swag (isn't being associated with Lummox Press enough?)...
  • Lummox 6

    ISBN 978-0-9984580-2-1 FORMAT: 8 x 10 INCH; 216 pgs; PAPERBACK CONTRIBUTORS: 169  
  • Lummox 5

    2016 Theme: ISMS 256 pages; 8 X 10 inch format ISBN 978-1-929878-65-9 Cover by Claudio Parentela CONGRATULATIONS TO Georgia Santa-Maria - winner of the 2016 Lummox Poetry Prize And to Jane Lipman - Second Place!
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    2014 ISBN 978-1-929878-59-8 8 X 10 inches; Paperback
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    2013 This is the PLACE issue...poems about PLACE, whether it be geographic or nostalgic or emotional, PLACE is a powerful motivator, as the nearly 180 poets demonstrate.
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    2012 Poetry, Essays, Reviews, Interviews & Art edited by RD Armstrong Out of the ashes of the old Lummox Journal rises a new, annual, poetry anthology. This first issue features over 160 poets from all over the world, Canada & the US.Guest Editors Georgia Santa Maria (ABQ, NM), Jane Lipman (Santa Fe, NM), Biola Olatunde (Nigeria), Don Kingfisher Campbell (San Gabriel Valley, CA), Doug Holder (Boston area), Ed Nudelman (Northeast Poets), Jaimes Palacio (OC poets), Jane Crown (International), Marie Lecrivain (LA Poets), Mike Adams (Colorado area) and Ryan Guth (Mid-South) represent their areas with gusto! LUMMOX #1 Sampler 230 pages; 8 X 10; Trade Paper ISBN 978-1-929878-38-3 Retail Price $30 - Sale price $25
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    2015 View a Sampler of this issue. ISBN 9781020878529 224 pages, 8 X 10 Perfect Bound This is the fourth Lummox Poetry Anthology.
  • Lummox 9

    This is the last print edition for this anthology. I'm getting old and confused and I need to take a break from publishing for a while. Haven't decided whether or not I'll come back to it (I do enjoy putting out a good book - it's just all the other B.S. that goes with each project). In any case, this last issue has over one hundred poets in it; nearly twenty artists featured; an interview with Basia Miller, a poet from Santa Fe, NM who's had a very interesting life; the winners of the Angela Consolo Mankiewicz Poetry Contest (Canadian John B. Lee, Americans Elaine Mintzer and Alexis Fancher); rounded out with essays and stories, including an essay on poet Tony Moffiet by John Macker. If you enjoy poetry, Lummox 9 gives you a wide perspective of the state of the art, here in the small press. I believe there's something for everyone. View on Issuu


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